Solar Energy Project

on August 30, 2014, we - Presidente Vargas school,  through the 9th grade students won the first place with the project of a solar system water heater at the 5th Municipal Technology Fair.We created a plastic bottle  heater system  for the school kitchen.
On October, 10,  our group also presented the system at  an Iniciative Scientific Fair at Feevale Escola de Aplicação( Feira de Iniciação á Pesquisa).
We are presenting the same project at the High School International Scientific Fair - Mostratec  - at Fundação Escola Técnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha, from 28 to 30 October, 2014.
Note from the English teacher: the student Adilson Casagrande will present all the project in English since he is running  to be selected to represent the group to present the  plastic bottle solar water heater at a  Youth International Scientific Fair in the USA next year.

 The participants are  : class:91 Anderson Kolberger, Ricardo Junior Paula da Silva,Vinicius Gabriel Krummenauer.Class 92:Adilson Casagrande Picinini,Natalia Marques,Vinicius Brisola Alves.Class 93:Bruno Garcia,Guilerme Balon Shimitez and Gustavo Soares.

 Written by:Roque Augusto de Melo Gonçalves , Isaias Trindade  and Marilene Bauer

Recycle is what I need 

The teacher Aline Bernardes and students Weslley Machado and Matheus Anselmo Quebing presented the project “ Reciclar é Preciso “ at the Municipal technology fair at CEI.

The objective at the project is to recycle  pet bottles by making stools for the school.

Written by Cleiton Silva.

         On September 10th, 91,92,93 classes visited Monteiro Lobato Technical School (CIMOL).

We watched lectures about technical courses offered by the school.

The courses are: Electronics, Electrotechnical, Furniture Technician, Mechanics, Furniture Design, Computer Science, Chemistry and Environment.

Check  out the photos.